Why we should all rekindle our curiosity...
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Spark your curiosity

Embrace your beginners mind

There is a concept in Zen Buddhism, shoshin, that refers to the notion of a beginner's mind. It is the kind of openness, unbiasedness and curiosity that asks questions, embraces new experiences and has an eagerness to learn.

The paradox is, the more knowledge and expertise we accumulate, the more our 'beginners mind' and sense of curiosity diminishes.

You may be thinking, isn't knowledge and expertise the end goal?
Especially in our modern workforce?

As it turns out, staying curious is more important for performance than you think...

3 ways to reignite your curiosity

Rekindling our curiosity requires us to open our minds and diversify.
Our latest article explores three simple ways to do this:

1. Gather information from wide and diverse sources
Rather than turning to Google every time you have an inquiry or desire to explore a given topic, look to more unlikely sources of information.

2. Learn from others
Challenge your preconceptions and biases by learning from others with diverse and sometimes divergent opinions from your own.

3. Capture your best learning
By documenting regularly we are able to reflect upon our growth, habit formation, shifting perspectives, accumulated knowledge and changes in behaviour. Learn how here.

Feed your curious mind

Our resources of the week

Dr Judson Brewer's TEDTalk,
A simple way to break a bad habit

Psychiatrist and addiction expert Judson Brewer describes how mindfulness curiosity can aid in habit-forming.

Use This Ancient Tool to Master Your Mind by Karolin Wanner

Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. — Thich Nhat Hanh

Curiosity Is as Important as Intelligence in HBR

Organisational psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic proposes that Curiosity Quotient is as important as IQ & EQ in our complex age.

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